| Alonso, Rodrigo | - PhD student
- Graduate Teaching Assistant
| Physics of biological systems - Neuroscience
- neurophysiology
- nonlinear dynamics
- biomechanics
- birdsong
| Amador, Ana | - Independent Researcher
- Adjoint Profesor
| Physics of biological systems - Biomechanics
- Neurophysiology
- Bird song
- Peripheral System
- Non-linear Dynamics
| Boari, Santiago | - Postoctoral researcher
- Main Teaching Assistant
| |
| Bush, Alan | - Postdoc
- Main Teaching Assistant
| Physics of biological systems - Neurophysiology
- Systems Biology
| Carpio Andrada, Agustin | | Physics of biological systems - Neuroscience
- Dynamical Systems
- Topology
| Dima, Germán | | Physics of biological systems |
| Doppler, Juan | - PhD Student
- Graduate Teaching Assistant
| Physics of biological systems |
| Herbert, Cecilia | | Physics of biological systems |
| Mindlin, Gabriel Bernardo | | Physics of biological systems |
| Trevisan, Marcos A. | - Researcher
- Adjoint Profesor
| Physics of biological systems - voice production
- vocal motor control
- biolinguistics
| Uribarri, Gonzalo | - PhD student
- Undergraduate Teaching Assistant
| Physics of biological systems - Speaker Recognition
- Computational Neuroscience
- Dynamical Systems