Theoretical High Energy Physics

Name Research position Interests
Blanco, David
  • IFIBA Researcher
  • Main Teaching Assistant
Particle physics and high energies
  • Quantum field theory
  • Quantum information theory
  • Holography
  • Gravitational theories
Garbarz, Alan N.
  • CONICET Assistant Researcher / JTP
  • Main Teaching Assistant
Particle physics and high energies
  • Black holes
  • quantum field theory in curved spacetimes
  • mathematical physics
Giribet, Gastón Enrique
  • Principal Investigator at CONICET.
  • Associate Profesor
Particle physics and high energies
  • String theory.
Goya, Andrés
  • PhD student
Koifman, Mateo
  • PhD Student
Particle physics and high energies
  • Entaglement in quantum field theory
  • Algebraic quantum field theory
  • Holography
Laurnagaray, Juan
  • Undergraduate Teaching Assistant
Particle physics and high energies
Leoni Olivera, Matías
  • Postdoc
  • Main Teaching Assistant
Luque, Solange Elizabeth
  • Undergraduate Teaching Assistant
Rubín De Celis, Emilio
  • Post-doc
  • Main Teaching Assistant
Particle physics and high energies
  • Self-forces
  • Black holes, wormholes, cosmic strings and shells

DF es docencia, investigación y popularización de la ciencia.