Seminario: Ultrafast optics con Ursula Keller
- 2025-03-10 10:00 |
- Aula Federman
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A. B. Webb, I. M. Lengyel, D. J. Jörg, G. Valentin, F. Jülicher, L. G. Morelli and A. C. Oates
Persistence, period and precision of autonomous cellular oscillators
from the zebrafish segmentation clock
eLife 5:e08438 (2016)
D. J. Jörg, L. G. Morelli, D. Soroldoni, A. C. Oates and F. Jülicher
Continuum theory of vertebrate segmentation
New J. Phys. 17 093042 (2015)
I. M. Lengyel, D. Soroldoni, A. C. Oates, and L. G. Morelli
Nonlinearity arising from noncooperative transcription factor binding
enhances negative feedback and promotes genetic oscillations
Papers in Physics 6, 060012 (2014)
K. Uriu and L. G. Morelli
Collective cell movement promotes synchronization of coupled genetic oscillators
Biophys. J. 107, 514–526 (2014)
D. Soroldoni, D. J. Jörg, L. G. Morelli, D. L. Richmond, J. Schindelin,
F. Jülicher, and A. C. Oates
A Doppler effect in embryonic pattern formation
Science 345, 222–225 (2014)
D. Jörg, L. G. Morelli, S. Ares, and F. Jülicher
Synchronization dynamics in the presence of coupling delays and phase shifts
Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 174101 (2014)
L. Bajard, L. G. Morelli*, S. Ares*, J. Pecreaux, F. Jülicher, and A. C. Oates
Wnt-regulated dynamics of positional information in zebrafish somitogenesis
Development 141, 1381–1391 (2014)
K. Uriu, S. Ares, A. C. Oates, and L. G. Morelli
Dynamics of mobile coupled phase oscillators
Phys. Rev. E 87, 032911 (2013)
C. Schröter, S. Ares*, L. G. Morelli*, A. Isakova, K. Hens, D. Soroldoni, M. Gajewski, F. Jülicher, S. J. Maerkl, B. Deplancke and A. C. Oates
Topology and dynamics of the zebrafish segmentation clock core circuit
PLoS Biol. 10(7), e1001364 (2012)
K. Uriu, S. Ares, A. C. Oates, and L. G. Morelli
Optimal cellular mobility for synchronization arising from the gradual recovery of intercellular interactions
Phys. Biol. 9, 036006 (2012)
S. Ares*, L. G. Morelli*, D. J. Jörg, A. C. Oates and F. Jülicher
Collective modes of coupled phase oscillators with delayed coupling
Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 204101 (2012)
L. G. Morelli, K. Uriu, S. Ares and A. C. Oates
Computational Approaches to Developmental Patterning
Science 336, 187-191 (2012)
A. C. Oates, L. G. Morelli and S. Ares
Patterning embryos with oscillations: the emerging structure, function, and dynamics of the vertebrate segmentation clock
Development 139, 625-639 (2012)
D. Roellig, L. G. Morelli, S. Ares, F. Jülicher and A. C. Oates
SnapShot: The Segmentation Clock
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L. Herrgen, S. Ares, L. G. Morelli, C. Schröter, F. Jülicher and A. C. Oates
Intercellular coupling regulates the period of the segmentation clock
Current Biology 20, 1244-1253 (2010)
L. G. Morelli*, S. Ares*, L. Herrgen, C. Schröter, F. Jülicher and A. C. Oates
Delayed coupling theory of vertebrate segmentation
HFSP Journal, 3, 55-66 (2009)
F. Peruani and L. G. Morelli
Self-propelled particles with fluctuating speed and direction of motion in two dimensions
Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 010602 (2007)
L. G. Morelli and F. Jülicher
Precision of genetic oscillators and clocks
Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 228101 (2007)