Coloquio: Multidimensional optical multiplexing
- 2025-03-13 14:35 |
- Aula Federman
Prof. Ursula Keller
Lunes 10 de marzo, 10 a 13 h. Aula 1401, Edificio Cero + Infinito.
Introduction to Mode Locking and Frequency Combs
These lectures will provide foundational knowledge based on Keller's textbook, *Ultrafast Lasers* (Springer Verlag)
• Basic principles and motivation: Modelocked lasers and their impact for many new discoveries
• Linear pulse propagation in time and frequency domain
• Active modelocking: Siegman-Haus theory
• Passive modelocking with and without dynamic gain saturation
• Passive modelocking: Fast saturable absorber
• Problems with self-starting, Q-switching, long open net-gain window, too much SPM
• Passive modelocking: Soliton modelocking
• Frequency comb and CEO phase stabilization CEO: carrier envelope offset phase
• New concepts: Dual-comb modelocking
Miércoles 12 de marzo, 10 a 13 h. Aula 1401, Edificio Cero + Infinito.
Attosecond Measurements and the Unresolved Question of Tunneling Time
A graduate-level introduction to ultrafast measurement techniques (e.g., pump-probe, streaking, etc.) followed by a detailed discussion on tunneling time measurements and their unresolved aspects.
• Time in Quantum Mechanics is challenging (more later with tunneling time)
• Motivation for THz to PHz Spectroscopy
• High Harmonic Generation (HHG) and attosecond pulses
• Attosecond Streak Camera
• Conclusion and Outlook
Inscripciones hasta el 3 de marzo, aquí.