Cosmology and gravity

Researchers not associated to any group

Name Research position Interests
Leitao, Leonardo
  • Cosmology
  • Relativistic Hydrodynamics
  • Gravitational Waves

Gravitation Cosmology And Large Scale Structures

Name Research position Interests
Armaleo, Juan Manuel
  • PhD student
  • Graduate Teaching Assistant
  • Cosmology
  • Gravity
  • General Relativity
  • Dark Matter
Biaus, Luis
  • PhD Student
  • Astrophysics
  • Galaxies
  • Cosmology
Calzetta, Esteban Adolfo
  • Head Profesor
Cantarutti, Lucas
  • PhD Student
Ferreira Chase, Tomás
  • PhD student
  • Dark Matter
  • Quantum Field Theory
  • Gravitational Waves
Landau, Susana J.
  • Independent Researcher
  • Main Teaching Assistant
  • Cosmic Microwave Background
  • Inflation
  • Modified Gravity
Leizerovich, Matías
  • PhD student
  • Graduate Teaching Assistant
  • Modified Gravity
  • Dark Matter
  • Statistical Methods
Lopez Nacir, Diana
  • Independent Researcher CONICET
  • Adjoint Profesor
  • Cosmology
  • Astroparticle Physics
  • Gravity
  • Quantum Field Theory
Lozano, Ezequiel
  • PhD student
  • Cosmolgy
  • Galaxy formation
Miron Granese, Nahuel Omar
  • Postdoc
  • Main Teaching Assistant
  • Cosmology
  • QUBIC Experiment
  • Relativistic Hydrodynamics
  • Nonequilibrium quantum field theory
Nigro, Mauro
  • Graduate Teaching Assistant
Santa Cruz, Gonzalo
  • PhD Student
  • Cosmology
  • Dark Matter
  • QFT in Curved Spacetimes
Scannapieco, Cecilia
  • Independent Researcher CONICET
  • Cosmolgy
  • Galaxy formation
  • Chemical evolution of galaxies
Simeone, Claudio Mauricio
  • Researcher - CONICET
  • Cosmic strings
  • Wormholes
  • Black holes
  • Fields in curved spaces.
Tomasini, Cecilia

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