| Abrevaya, Germán | GFBF | | Physics of biological systems - Computational Neuroscience
- Machine Learning
- Dynamical Systems
| Acha, Carlos Enrique | LBT | - Principal Researcher CONICET
- Associate Profesor
| Condensed Matter - Resistive Switching
- Neuromorphic devices
- Superconductivity
- Strongly correlated materials
| Aguilar, Milton | QUFIBA | | Theory And Quantum Information - Quantum information
- Quantum thermodynamics
- Quantum foundations
| Albano, Juan | | | |
| Alcain, Pablo N. | GEBI | - PhD student
- Graduate Teaching Assistant
| Statistichal mechanics and complex systems |
| Alcoba, Diego R. | | - Researcher CONICET
- Adjoint Profesor
| Atomic And Molecular Physics - many-electron systems
- electron correlation
- reduced density matrix
| Alexander, Pedro Manfredo | GDA | | Geophysics - Atmospheric dynamics
- Big data in the atmosphere
- Climate networks
| Aliaga, Jorge Luis | | - Independent Researcher CONICET
- Associate Profesor
| |
| Alonso, Rodrigo | LSD | - PhD student
- Graduate Teaching Assistant
| Physics of biological systems - Neuroscience
- neurophysiology
- nonlinear dynamics
- biomechanics
- birdsong
| Alvarez, Angel | | | |
| Amador, Ana | LSD | - Independent Researcher
- Adjoint Profesor
| Physics of biological systems - Biomechanics
- Neurophysiology
- Bird song
- Peripheral System
- Non-linear Dynamics
| Apicella, Mariano | | | |
| Arbó, Diego | | - Researcher CONICET
- Adjoint Profesor
| - Attosecond Physics
- Quantum Dynamics in Matter
- Attosecond Chronoscopy
- Quantum Holography
| Armaleo, Juan Manuel | GCEGE | - PhD student
- Graduate Teaching Assistant
| Cosmology and gravity - Cosmology
- Gravity
- General Relativity
- Dark Matter
| Arrachea, Liliana Del Carmen | | | |
| Balatti, Galo | MBG | | Physics of materials |
| Balenzuela, Pablo | SOPHY | - Independent Researcher @ CONICET. Adjoint Professor @ UBA
- Adjoint Profesor
| Statistichal mechanics and complex systems - Complex Systems, Social. Physics
| Barriga Rubio, Raúl Hernán | GDSC | | Physics of biological systems - Stochastic Processes
- Ecology
- Dynamical Systems
| Bekeris, Victoria Isabel | LBT | | Condensed Matter |
| Bertucci, Cesar Luis Fermin | | - Principal Investigator
- Adjoint Profesor
| - Space Physics
- Planetary Magnetospheres
- Space Plasmas
| Bianchi, Micaela | CMA | | Physics of biological systems |
| Biaus, Luis | GCEGE | | Cosmology and gravity - Astrophysics
- Galaxies
- Cosmology
| Bilbao, Luis Ernesto | | | Fluids and Plasmas |
| Blanco, David | HEPTH | - IFIBA Researcher
- Main Teaching Assistant
| Particle physics and high energies - Quantum field theory
- Quantum information theory
- Holography
- Gravitational theories
| Boari, Santiago | LSD | - Postoctoral researcher
- Main Teaching Assistant
| |
| Bocaccio, Hernan | | | |
| Bochicchio, Roberto Carlos | GEM | | Atomic And Molecular Physics |
| Bonazzola, Carlos Raul | | | Optics and Photonics |
| Bonetto, Muriel | LIAF | - Undergraduate Teaching Assistant
| Theory And Quantum Information |
| Bonomo, Nestor E. | GAIA | | |
| Bordon, Pablo | GAIA | | Geophysics |
| Bossio Sola, Jonathan | FEAE | | Particle physics and high energies |
| Bragas, Andrea Verónica | LEC | - Investigadora Independiente CONICET
- Associate Profesor
| Optics and Photonics - Photophysics
- nanophotonics
| Braini, Celine | | | |
| Bruno, Luciana | GDTI | - Independent researcher CONICET
| Physics of biological systems |
| Bujjamer, Juan | | | |
| Bullo, Dario Ezequiel | GAIA | | Geophysics |
| Burgos Fonseca, Yuditsabet | | | |
| Bush, Alan | LSD | - Postdoc
- Main Teaching Assistant
| Physics of biological systems - Neurophysiology
- Systems Biology
| Cababie, Mariano Ruben | | | Particle physics and high energies |
| Calzetta, Esteban Adolfo | GCEGE | | Cosmology and gravity |
| Camjayi, Alberto | | | Condensed Matter |
| Cantarutti, Lucas | GCEGE | | Cosmology and gravity |
| Capeluto, María G. | LOFT | - Invesitgadora CONICET
- Adjoint Profesor
| Optics and Photonics |
| Caputo, María Cristina | GEM | | Atomic And Molecular Physics |
| Capuzzi, Pablo | GCBE | - Independent researcher CONICET
- Main Teaching Assistant
| Condensed Matter - Bose-Einstein condensates
- Supefluidity
- Cold Atoms
| Carpio Andrada, Agustin | LSD | | Physics of biological systems - Neuroscience
- Dynamical Systems
- Topology
| Cataldo, Pedro | | | |
| Ceballos, Rocío | LPMC | | Physics of materials |
| Cerisola, Federico | QUFIBA | - PhD student
- Graduate Teaching Assistant
| Theory And Quantum Information - Quantum Information
- Quantum Thermodynamics
- Non-equilibrium Thermodynamics
| Chernomoretz, Ariel | | | Statistichal mechanics and complex systems |
| Cimadoro, Jonathan | LPMC | | Physics of materials |
| Clark Di Leoni, Patricio | FLIP | - PhD student
- Main Teaching Assistant
| Fluids and Plasmas - Turbulence
- Geophysical flows
- Quantum flows
| Cobelli, Pablo Javier | FLIP | | Fluids and Plasmas |
| Corbat, Agustín | LEC | - Ph.D. Student
- Undergraduate Teaching Assistant
| Physics of biological systems - Biophysics
- Fluorescence Microscopy
- Modelling System
| Cornes, Fernando Ezequiel | GEBI | - Ph.D. Student
- Main Teaching Assistant
| Statistichal mechanics and complex systems - Pedestrians dynamics
- ):Panic crowds
| Correa Quinchía, Fabián | | | |
| Cuenca, Marina | | | |
| Daneri, María Florencia | FEAE | | Particle physics and high energies |
| Dasso, Sergio | | - Researcher at CONICET
- Adjoint Profesor
| Fluids and Plasmas - Space Physics
- Space Weather
- Space Plasma
| de Florian, Daniel Enrique | | | |
| De La Fuente, Laura | | | |
| De La Vega, Matias | GAIA | | |
| Della Picca, Fabricio | | | |
| Depaoli, Eliana Leticia | | | |
| Depine, Ricardo Angel | GEA | | Optics and Photonics - Photonic materials
- Plasmonics
- Graphene and 2D materials
- Photophysics
- Electrodynamics
| Devesa, María Roberta | FEAE | | |
| Dima, Germán | LSD | | Physics of biological systems |
| Dmitruk, Pablo Ariel | FLIP | - Principal Researcher
- Associate Profesor
| Fluids and Plasmas |
| Domenichini, Pablo | LBT | | Condensed Matter - Magneto Optics, Condensed Matter, Thin Films
| Doppler, Juan | LSD | - PhD Student
- Graduate Teaching Assistant
| Physics of biological systems |
| Dorso, Claudio Oscar | GEBI | - Superior Researcher CONICET
- Head Profesor
| Statistichal mechanics and complex systems - Nuclear Astrophysics - pedestrian Dynamics - Comple systems
| Dran, Martín Sebastián | | | |
| Drechsler, Martín | LIAF | | Theory And Quantum Information |
| Duca, Clara | | | |
| Estevez Areco, Santiago | LPMC | | Physics of materials |
| Estrada, Laura Cecilia | LEC | - Independent Researcher at CONICET
- Adjoint Profesor
| Optics and Photonics - Optics and Photonics, Biophysics
| Etchevest, Manuel | | | |
| Fama, Lucía M. | LPMC | | Physics of materials |
| Farías, María Belén | QUFIBA | - Post Doctoral Fellow
- Graduate Teaching Assistant
| Theory And Quantum Information - Casimir Effect
- Quantum Friction
- Quantum Foundations
- Quantum Information
- Quantum Optics
- Dynamical Casimir Effect
| Fazio, Mariana A. | | | |
| Feole, Marcos | | | |
| Fernandez, Alejandra Marilina | | | |
| Fernandez, Leandro Ezequiel | | | |
| Ferraro, Marta Beatriz | GEM | - PRINCIPPAL RESEARCHE at CONICET
- Head Profesor
| Atomic And Molecular Physics - CRYSTAL PREDICTION
| Ferraro, Rafael | | | - General Relativity
- Non-linear electrodynamics
- Constrained Hamiltonian systems
| Ferreira Chase, Tomás | GCEGE | | Cosmology and gravity - Dark Matter
- Quantum Field Theory
- Gravitational Waves
| Florez Anteliz, Andrea | | | |
| Fontana, Mauro | FLIP | - PhD student
- Graduate Teaching Assistant
| Fluids and Plasmas - Turbulence
- Magnetohydrodynamics
- Dynamo and magnetic reversals
- Numerical modelling
| Frank, Guillermo A. | GEBI | | Statistichal mechanics and complex systems |
| Freitas, Jose N. | | | |
| Fuks, Johanna | QUFIBA | - Researcher
- Main Teaching Assistant
| Atomic And Molecular Physics - Time dependent Density Functional Theory (TDDFT): developement of exchange-correlation functionals with memory. Simulation of electron dynamics far from equilibrium, including charge transfer. Modelling of complex phenomena with toy models.
| Gabriel, Manuela | LEC | | Optics and Photonics - Optics and Photonics, Biophysics
| Gaggioli, Enzo | | | |
| Gaido, Manuel | | | |
| Garbarz, Alan N. | HEPTH | - CONICET Assistant Researcher / JTP
- Main Teaching Assistant
| Particle physics and high energies - Black holes
- quantum field theory in curved spacetimes
- mathematical physics
| Garros, Adán | | - PhD fellow / CONICET
- Graduate Teaching Assistant
| Condensed Matter |
| Giménez, Carlos | | | |
| Giribet, Claudia Gloria | | | |
| Giribet, Gastón Enrique | HEPTH | - Principal Investigator at CONICET.
- Associate Profesor
| Particle physics and high energies |
| Giuliani, Leandro | | | |
| Givre, Alan | GFBF | | Physics of biological systems |
| Gómez, Daniel Osvaldo | | - Principal Researcher of Conicet
- Head Profesor
| Fluids and Plasmas - Fluids
- Plasmas
- Astrophysics
| González Restrepo, Carlos A. | | | |
| Gonzalez Seligra, Paula | LPMC | | Physics of materials |
| Goya, Andrés | HEPTH | | |
| Goyanes, Silvia Nair | LPMC | | Physics of materials |
| Grecco, Hernán Edgardo | LEC | - Independent Researcher
- Adjoint Profesor
| Optics and Photonics |
| Grillo, Damián A. | | | |
| Grinberg, Horacio | | | Atomic And Molecular Physics |
| Grinberg, Patricio | QUFIBA | - Assistant Researcher
- Main Teaching Assistant
| Optics and Photonics |
| Grinblat, Gustavo | LEC | - CONICET Adjoint Researcher
- Adjoint Profesor
| Optics and Photonics - Nanophotonics
- Plasmonics
- 2D Materials
- Nonlinear optics
- Ultrafast optics
| Grondona, Diana | | | |
| Grosz, Diego | | | |
| Guz, Lucas | LPMC | | Physics of materials |
| Habif, Martín | LEC | - Post-Doctoral Fellow (CONICET)
| Physics of biological systems - Studying intracellular signaling by functional microscopy techniques
- Biophysics
- Apoptosis
| Herbert, Cecilia | LSD | | Physics of biological systems |
| Hernández, Susana Ester | FEMC | | Statistichal mechanics and complex systems |
| Iemmi, Claudio César | LOFT | | Optics and Photonics |
| Inchaussandague, Marina Elizabeth | GEA | | Optics and Photonics |
| Jezek, Dora M. | GCBE | | Condensed Matter |
| Kamienkowski, Juan | | | |
| Kettmayer, Constanza | | | |
| Kleiman, Ariel | LDE | | Fluids and Plasmas - Coatings
- Surface treatment
| Knees, Paulina | AP | - PhD Student
- Graduate Teaching Assistant
| Particle physics and high energies - Supersymmetric Standard Model Phenomenology
- Neutrino Physics
- High Energy Physics
| Koifman, Mateo | HEPTH | | Particle physics and high energies - Entaglement in quantum field theory
- Algebraic quantum field theory
- Holography
| La Madrid, Joan Manuel | | | |
| Landau, Susana J. | GCEGE | - Independent Researcher
- Main Teaching Assistant
| Cosmology and gravity - Cosmic Microwave Background
- Inflation
- Modified Gravity
| Larocca, Martín | | | |
| Larotonda, Miguel Antonio | | | |
| Laurnagaray, Juan | HEPTH | - Undergraduate Teaching Assistant
| Particle physics and high energies |
| Ledesma, Silvia Adriana | LOFT | | Optics and Photonics |
| Leitao, Leonardo | | | Cosmology and gravity - Cosmology
- Relativistic Hydrodynamics
- Gravitational Waves
| Leizerovich, Matías | GCEGE | - PhD student
- Graduate Teaching Assistant
| Cosmology and gravity - Modified Gravity
- Dark Matter
- Statistical Methods
| Leoni Olivera, Matías | HEPTH | - Postdoc
- Main Teaching Assistant
| |
| Leston, Mauricio | | | |
| Llois, Ana María | | | |
| Lombardo, Fernando César | QUFIPHI | - Investigador Principal - CONICET
- Associate Profesor
| Theory And Quantum Information - Casimir effect
- Decoherence and the quantum to classical transition
- Geometric phases in quantum open systems
| López Córdoba, Alex Fernando | LPMC | | Physics of materials |
| Lopez Fogliani, Daniel E. | AP | - Investigador Independiente (CONICET)
| Particle physics and high energies - Supersymmetric Standard Model Phenomenology
- Astroparticle Physics, Dark Matter, Neutrino Physics
- Collider Physics
- Supersymmetry and Supergravity
| Lopez Nacir, Diana | GCEGE | - Independent Researcher CONICET
- Adjoint Profesor
| Cosmology and gravity - Cosmology
- Astroparticle Physics
- Gravity
- Quantum Field Theory
| Lozano, Ezequiel | GCEGE | | Cosmology and gravity - Cosmolgy
- Galaxy formation
| Lozano, Gustavo Sergio | GMC | - Investigador Principal, CONICET
- Head Profesor
| Condensed Matter - Field Theory
- Dynamics out of Equilibrium, Vortex dynamics in superconductors
| Lucero, Aner | | | |
| Lucero, Gonzalo | GFAE | | Particle physics and high energies - Perturbative QCD
- ):Hadronic structure
| Lugones, Rodrigo | FLIP | - PhD student
- Graduate Teaching Assistant
| Fluids and Plasmas - Turbulence
- Plasma
- Astrophysics
- Numerical Simulations
- Fluids
| Luque, Solange Elizabeth | HEPTH | - Undergraduate Teaching Assistant
| |
| Malpartida, Bryan | | | |
| Mandrini, Cristina Hemilse | | | |
| Marceca, Gino | FEAE | | |
| Márquez, Adriana Beatriz | | | |
| Martinelli, Hilda P. | GAIA | | Geophysics |
| Martínez, Ramiro Tomás | | | |
| Marziali Bermúdez, Mariano | LBT | - PhD student
- Main Teaching Assistant
| Condensed Matter - Supercpnductivity
- Vortex matter
| Marzocca, Ángel José | LPMC | | Physics of materials |
| Masias Meza, Jimmy J. | | | |
| Mayo, Franco | QUFIBA | - PhD Student
- Graduate Teaching Assistant
| Theory And Quantum Information - Quantum Thermodynamics
- Quantum Thermal Machines
| Mazzitelli, Francisco Diego | | | |
| Melo, Juan I. | GEM | - Investigador Independiente, Conicet - UBA
- Main Teaching Assistant
| Atomic And Molecular Physics |
| Mendicino, Lucas | LIAF | - PhD student
- Graduate Teaching Assistant
| Theory And Quantum Information |
| Mercau, Mariana Vanesa | | | |
| Mindlin, Gabriel Bernardo | LSD | | Physics of biological systems |
| Mininni, Pablo Daniel | FLIP | - Principal Researcher (CONICET)
- Head Profesor
| Fluids and Plasmas - Fluid dynamics
- Turbulence
- Magnetohydrodynamics
- Rotating flows
- Stratified flows
- Atmospheric flows
- Superfluids
| Minotti, Fernando Oscar | | | Fluids and Plasmas |
| Miraglia, Jorge Esteban | | | |
| Mirkin, Nicolas | QUFIBA | - PhD Student
- Main Teaching Assistant
| Theory And Quantum Information - Quantum chaos
- Quantum control
- Open quantum systems
| Miron Granese, Nahuel Omar | GCEGE | - Postdoc
- Main Teaching Assistant
| Cosmology and gravity - Cosmology
- QUBIC Experiment
- Relativistic Hydrodynamics
- Nonequilibrium quantum field theory
| Montecchio, Luciano | | | |
| Morales, Laura F. | | - Adjunct Researcher - Conicet
- Adjoint Profesor
| Fluids and Plasmas - Solar Physics, Self Organized Criticality, Heliospheric Physics, Space Weather
| Morelli, Luis G. | | | Physics of biological systems |
| Moreno, César Hugo | LPF | | Fluids and Plasmas |
| Moretti, Bruno | LEC | - Graduate Teaching Assistant
| Optics and Photonics |
| Moretti, Gianni Quimey | | | |
| Morzan, Uriel Nicolas | | | |
| Mulet De Los Reyes, Alexander | | | |
| Muller, Stephanie Abril | | | |
| Muzzio, Nicolas Eduardo | | | |
| Nessi, Emilio Nicolás | | | |
| Nigro, Mauro | GCEGE | - Graduate Teaching Assistant
| Cosmology and gravity |
| Noseda, Manuel | FLIP | - Undergraduate Teaching Assistant
| Fluids and Plasmas |
| Núñez, Carmen Alicia | GTC | | |
| Nuñez Barreto, Nicolas | LIAF | - Graduate Teaching Assistant
| Theory And Quantum Information |
| Ochoa Yepes, Oswaldo | LPMC | | Physics of materials |
| Onnis, Luciano | GAIA | | Geophysics - Seismic reflection surveying
- Seismic modeling
| Osella, Ana María | GAIA | | Geophysics |
| Otero, Marcelo J. | GDSC | - CONICET Researcher
- Main Teaching Assistant
| Statistichal mechanics and complex systems - Population Dynamics
- Stochastic Modelling
- Chemoinformatics
- Data Science applied to Drug Discovery
| Otero Y Garzon, Gustavo Javier | FEAE | | Particle physics and high energies |
| Pabon Riaño, Dudbil Olvasada | LOFT | | Optics and Photonics |
| Pagola, Gabriel I. | GEM | | Atomic And Molecular Physics |
| Pallavicini, Carla | | | |
| Pasqualetti, Guillermo D. | | | |
| Pasquini, Gabriela | LBT | - CONICET Researcher
- Associate Profesor
| Condensed Matter - SUPERCONDUCTORS
| Paz, Juan Pablo | QUFIBA | - Superior Researcher from CONICET
- Head Profesor
| Theory And Quantum Information - QUANTUM FOUNDATIONS
| Pears Stefano, Quimey | LOFT | - PhD Student
- Graduate Teaching Assistant
| Optics and Photonics - Quantum Optics
- Spatial Light Modulator
- Quantum Information
| Pedraza, Lucia Ines | | | |
| Peralta, Carlos | | - PhD Student
- Graduate Teaching Assistant
| Fluids and Plasmas - Accretion disks
- Astrophysics
- Numerical Simulations
| Pérez, Andrés | AP | | Particle physics and high energies - Phenomenology of Supersymmetric Models
- Dark Matter
- Particle and Astroparticle Physics
- High Energy Physics
| Perez, Santiago | | | |
| Perez Nadal, Guillem | | | |
| Perna, Guillermo Ezequiel | GCTF | - Graduate Teaching Assistant
| Theory And Quantum Information |
| Pickholz, Mónica | MBG | - CONICET researcher (Independent)
- Adjoint Profesor
| Physics of materials |
| Piegaia, Ricardo Néstor | FEAE | | Particle physics and high energies - Experimental High Energy Physics
- ATLAS Experiment at the LHC
| Pietrasanta, Lía I. | CMA | | |
| Pinio, Alejandro | GAIA | | |
| Pinto, Sebastián | GEBI | | Statistichal mechanics and complex systems |
| Poblet, Martín | LEC | | Optics and Photonics - Optics
- NanoPhotonics
- Plasmonics
| Ponce Dawson, Silvina Martha | GFBF | - PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR (CONICET)
- Head Profesor
| Physics of biological systems - CALCIUM
| Puentes, Graciana | LFC | - Independent Researcher CONICET
- Main Teaching Assistant
| Optics and Photonics - Quantum Optics and Photonics
| Quentin, Justine | | | |
| Quintana, Juan P. | LDE | | Fluids and Plasmas |
| Quinteiro, Guillermo F. | GMC | - Inv. Independiente CONICET
- Main Teaching Assistant
| Physics of materials - optics
- solid state physics
- spintronics
| Quintero Borregales, Lucia | | | |
| Ramírez, Nicolas | | | |
| Raspa, Verónica | | | |
| Ribba, Laura | | | |
| Rodrigues Ferreira Maltez, Dario Pablo | FEAE | | Particle physics and high energies |
| Rodríguez, María Belén | | | |
| Rodriguez Chariarse, Vladimir D. | | | Atomic And Molecular Physics |
| Rodriguez Sandoval, Jesús | | | |
| Roncaglia, Augusto José | QUFIBA | - Independent Researcher - CONICET
- Adjoint Profesor
| Theory And Quantum Information - Quantum Information
- Quantum Foundations
- Quantum Thermodynamics
| Rubín De Celis, Emilio | HEPTH | - Post-doc
- Main Teaching Assistant
| Particle physics and high energies - Self-forces
- Black holes, wormholes, cosmic strings and shells
| Rubio Lopez, Adrián | | | |
| Rubiolo, Gerardo Héctor | | | |
| Sacanell, Joaquín Gonzalo | | | |
| Sacerdoti, Sabrina | GFAE | - PhD student
- Graduate Teaching Assistant
| Particle physics and high energies |
| Salgado, Ariel Olaf | | | |
| Samaniego Onofre, Eugenia Elizabeth | | | |
| Santa Cruz, Gonzalo | GCEGE | | Cosmology and gravity - Cosmology
- Dark Matter
- QFT in Curved Spacetimes
| Santos, Ayelen | | | |
| Sassot, Rodolfo | GFAE | | Particle physics and high energies |
| Scannapieco, Cecilia | GCEGE | - Independent Researcher CONICET
| Cosmology and gravity - Cosmolgy
- Galaxy formation
- Chemical evolution of galaxies
| Schmidt, Juan | LBT | - Graduate Teaching Assistant
| Condensed Matter |
| Schmied, Pedro | | | |
| Schmiegelow, Christian | LIAF | - Adjoint Researcher - CONICET
- Adjoint Profesor
| Optics and Photonics - Quantum Physics
- Atomic and Optical Physics
- Quantum Information
| Scialchi, Gaston | | | |
| Segarra Marinetti, Melany | | | |
| Seon, Thomas | | | |
| Shalom, Diego E. | LNI | - Researcher
- Adjoint Profesor
| Physics of biological systems |
| Sigaut, Lorena | CMA | | Physics of biological systems |
| Simeone, Claudio Mauricio | GCEGE | | Cosmology and gravity - Cosmic strings
- Wormholes
- Black holes
- Fields in curved spaces.
| Skigin, Diana Carina | GEA | - Independent Researcher (CONICET)
- Associate Profesor
| Optics and Photonics - Natural photonic structures
- Biomimetics
- Scattering
- Photonic Crystals
- Electromagnetic methods
- Inverse Problems
- Machine learning
| Solari, Hernán Gustavo | GDSC | - Main researcher (CONICET)
- Associate Profesor
| Physics of biological systems - complex systems
- nonlinear dynamics
- stochastic dynamics
- mathematical eco-epidemiology
- epistemology
| Stefani, Fernando | GNA | - Principal Investigator (CONICET)
- Head Profesor
| Optics and Photonics - Plasmonics
- Nanophotonics
- Fluorescence Nanoscopy
- Super-resolution
- Supramolecular protein assemblies
- DNA Origami
| Steren, Laura | | | |
| Sticco, Ignacio Mariano | GEBI | | Statistichal mechanics and complex systems - Pedestrian Dynamics
- Active Matter
| Sujovolsky, Nicolás | FLIP | | Fluids and Plasmas - Fluid dynamics
- Turbulence
- Stratified flows
| Tagliazucchi, Enzo | COCUCO | | |
| Taitz, Alan | | | |
| Tamborenea, Pablo Ignacio | GMC | - Principal Investigator CONICET
- Head Profesor
| Condensed Matter - Physical foundations of spintronics
- Light with orbital angular momentum
- Quantum control
| Tesler, Federico | | | Condensed Matter - Resistive Switching
- Neuromorphic Computing
- Financial Networks
| Tomasini, Cecilia | GCEGE | | Cosmology and gravity |
| Torasso, Nicolas | LPMC | | Physics of materials - membranes
- electrospinning
- arsenic
| Tortosa, Milton | | | |
| Toscani, Mariana | | | |
| Trevisan, Marcos A. | LSD | - Researcher
- Adjoint Profesor
| Physics of biological systems - voice production
- vocal motor control
- biolinguistics
| Trujillo Villegas, Pablo | | | |
| Trupp, Federico Javier | LPMC | | Physics of materials |
| Uribarri, Gonzalo | LSD | - PhD student
- Undergraduate Teaching Assistant
| Physics of biological systems - Speaker Recognition
- Computational Neuroscience
- Dynamical Systems
| Urquia, Gonzalo Martín | GEA | | Optics and Photonics |
| Valladares, Rufino | | | |
| Varga, Juan José Miguel | | | |
| Ventura, Alejandra Cristina | | | |
| Vergara, Martín | LOFT | | Optics and Photonics |
| Vergara Rubio, Alicia | | | |
| Vigh, Carlos D. | | | Fluids and Plasmas |
| Villar, Paula I. | | - Researcher Independiente CONICET
- Adjoint Profesor
| Theory And Quantum Information - Decoherence
- Casimir Effect
- Geometric Phases
| Viotti, Ludmila | QUFIPHI | | Theory And Quantum Information - Open quantum systems, geometric phases, decoherence
| Willemyns, Cintia T. | FTNP | | Particle physics and high energies - Quantum Chromodynamics
- 1/Nc expansion
| Wisniacki, Diego Ariel | | | Theory And Quantum Information |
| Xaubet Brea, Magalí N. | LDE | - Postdoc
- Main Teaching Assistant
| |
| Zamberlan, Federico | COCUCO | | |
| Zanini, Matias | LDE | - PhD Student / CONICET Fellowship
- Main Teaching Assistant
| Fluids and Plasmas - Plasma
- Applied Physics
- Experimental Physics
- Social Network Analysis
- Big Data