Alan Bush

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Laboratorio de Sistemas Dinámicos

Área de investigación: Física de sistemas biológicos

  • Neurofisiología
  • Biología de sistemas


Modelado de sistemas biológicos.

Publicaciones seleccionadas

- Bush A, Doppler JF, Goller F and Mindlin GB. Syringeal EMGs and synthetic stimuli reveal a switch-like activation of the songbird's vocal motor program. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. (2018) Aug 1:201801251.

- Doppler JF, Bush A, Amador A, Goller F and Mindlin GB. Gating related activity in a syringeal muscle allows the reconstruction of zebra finches songs. Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science (2018), 28(7), 075517.

- Doppler JF, Bush A, Goller F, Mindlin GB. From electromyographic activity to frequency modulation in zebra finch song. Journal of Comparative Physiology A (2017), 1-9.

- Pesce CG, Zdraljevic S, Peria WJ, Bush A, Repetto MV, Rockwell D, Yu RC, Colman-Lerner A and Brent R. Single-cell profiling screen identifies microtubule- dependent reduction of variability in signaling. Molecular systems biology, (2018), 14(4), e7390.

- Repetto MV, Winters MJ, Bush A, Reiter W, Hollesnstein DM, Amemerer G, Pryciak PM and Colman-Lerner A. CDK and MPAK synergistically regulate signaling dynamics via a shared multi-site phosphorylation region on the scaffold protein Ste5. Molecular Cell (2018), 69(6): 938-952.

- Bush A*, Vasen G*, Constantinou A, Dunayevich P, Patop IL, Blaustein M, Colman- Lerner A. Yeast GPCR signaling reflects the fraction of occupied receptors, not the number. Molecular Systems Biology (2016), 12(12), 898. F1000

- Doncic A, Atay O, Valk E, Grande A, Bush A, Vasen G, Colman-Lerner A, Loog M and Skotheim JM. Compartmentalization of a Bistable Switch Enables Memory to Cross a Feedback-Driven Transition. Cell 160, no. 6 (2015): 1182-1195.

- Bush A, Giménez M, Grande A, Morosi LG, Parasco V, Parreño MA, Rugiero M, Sabio G, Colman-Lerner A, Nadra AD, Sánchez IE. Synthetic Crossfeeding Cocultures in Yeast: Computational Model of Autoregulation and Design of a Tryptophan Export Device. Journal of Synthetic Biology (2015), Article ID 178514.

- Bush A, & Colman-Lerner A. Quantitative Measurement of Protein Relocalization in Live Cells. Biophysical Journal (2013), 104(3), 727-736.

- Bush A, Chernomoretz A, Yu R, Gordon A and Colman-Lerner A. Using Cell-ID 1.4 with R for Microscope-Based Cytometry. Curr Protoc Mol Bio (2012), Chapter 14, Unit 14.18.

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