Coloquio: Multidimensional optical multiplexing
- 13-03-2025 14:35 |
- Aula Federman
![]() | Investigadora Independiente CONICETlbruno@df.uba.arPágina web personalGrupo de Dinámica y Transporte Intracelular |
Motores moleculares
Transporte intracelular
Dinámica del citoesqueleto
1. Mechanical coupling of microtubule-dependent motor teams during peroxisome transport in Drosophila S2 cells. María C De Rossi, Diana E Wetzler, Lorena Bense-ñor, María E De Rossi, Mariela Sued, Daniela Rodríguez, Vladimir Gelfand, Luciana Bruno* and Valeria Levi*. BBA General Subjects, Accepted 15 september (2017). * corresponding author
2. Diffusion of single dye molecules in hydrated TiO2 mesoporous films. Juan Francisco Angiolini, Paula Yael Steinberg, Martin Stortz, Esteban Mocskos, Luciana Bru-no, Galo Juan de Avila Arturo Soler-Illia, Paula C. Angelomé, Alejandro Wolo-siuk and Valeria Levi. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2017, DOI: 10.1039/C7CP05186G
3. Mapping the Dynamics of the Glucocorticoid Receptor within the Nuclear Landscape. Martín Stortz, Diego Presman, Luciana Bruno, Paolo, Virgi, Gerardo Burton, Enrico Gratton, Valeria Levi and Adali Pecci. Scientific Reports. Accepted 16 june (2017).
4. Methods for quantitative analysis of axonal cargo transport. Matías Alloati, Luciana Bruno and Tomás Falzone. Methods in Molecular Biology. Accepted May 29 (2017).
5. Characterization of microtubules buckling in living cells. Carla Pallavicini, Alejandro Monastra, Nicolas Gonzalez Bardeci, Diana Wetzler, Valeria Levi and Luciana Bruno. European Biophysics Journal. DOI 10.1007/s00249-017-1207-9. (2017).
6. Tau isoforms imbalance impairs the axonal transport of the amyloid precursor pro-tein (APP) in human neurons. Valentina Lacovich, Sonia Espindola, Matias Alloatti, Victorio Pozo Devoto, Lucas Cromberg, Maria Carna, Giancarlo Forte, Jean Mark Ga-llo, Luciana Bruno, Gorazd Stokin, Maria Elena Avale, and Tomas Falzone. Journal of Neuroscience. 37 (1) 58-69. (2017).
7. Dynamics of intracellular processes in live-cell systems unveiled by fluorescence co-rrelation microscopy. Nicolás Gonzáles Bardeci, Juan Angiolini, María Cecilia De Rossi, Luciana Bruno, and Valeria Levi. IUBMB Life. DOI: 10.1002/iub.1589 (2016).
8. Experimental characterization of collision avoidance in pedestrian dynamics. Parisi, Daniel R., Negri, Pablo A. and Bruno Luciana. Physical Review E 94, 022318 (2016).
9. Heme oxygenase-1 in the forefront of a multi-molecular network that governs cell-cell contacts and filopodia-induced zippering in prostate cancer. Alejandra Paez, Carla Pallavicini, Federico Schuster, Maria Pia Valacco, Jimena Giudice, Emiliano Ortiz, Ni-colás Anselmino; Estefania Labanca, Maria Binaghi, Marcelo Salierno, Marcelo Martí, Javier Cotignola, Anna Woloszynska-Read, Luciana Bruno, Valeria Levi, Nora Navone, Elba Vazquez and Geraldine Gueron. Cell Death and Disease. (2016)
10. Long-Lived Binding of Sox2 to DNA Predicts Cell Fate in the Four-Cell Mouse Embryo. White Melanie D. , Angiolini Juan F., Alvarez Yanina D. , Kaur Gurpreet , Zhao Zi-qing W., Mocskos Esteban, Bruno Luciana, Bissiere Stephanie, Levi Valeria, and Plachta Nicolas. Cell, Volume 165, Issue 1, p75–87, 24 March 2016 (2016) .
11. Asymmetries in kinesin-2 and cytoplasmic dynein contributions to melanosome transport. Mari?a Cecilia De Rossi, Mari?a Emilia De Rossi, Mariela Sued, Daniela Ro-dri?guez , Luciana Bruno and Valeria Levi. FEBS Letters, 589, 2763–2768 (2015)
12. Lateral motion and bending of microtubules studied with a new single filament trac-king routine in living cells. Carla Pallavicini , Valeria Levi, Diana E. Wetzler, Juan F. An-giolini, Lorena Benseñor, Marcelo A. Despósito and Luciana Bruno. Biophysical Jour-nal. Vol 106. 2625–2635. (2014)
13. Fast axonal transport of the proteasome complex depends on membrane interaction and molecular motor function. Maria G. Otero, Matías Alloatti, Lucas E. Cromberg, Angels Almenar-Queralt, Sandra E. Encalada, Victorio M. Pozo Devoto, Luciana Bruno, Lawrence S.B. Goldstein and Tomás L. Falzone. Journal of Cell Science (2014) 127, 1537–1549 doi:10.1242/jcs.140780 (2014).
14. When size does matter: organelle size influences the properties of transport media-ted by molecular motors. María C De Rossi; Luciana Bruno, Alejandro Wolosiuk, Mar-celo A Despósito, Valeria Levi. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1830 5095–5103 (2013).
15. Temperature response of luminescent tris(bipyridine)ruthenium(II)-doped silica na-noparticles. Martín Mirenda, Valeria Levi, Mariano Luis Bossi, Luciana Bruno, Andrea V. Bordoni, Alberto E. Regazzoni, Alejandro Wolosiuk. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 392, 96-101 d (2013)
16. Extracting the stepping dynamics of molecular motors in living cells from trajectories of single particles. Augusto Bruno, Luciana Bruno, Valeria Levi. Cell Biophys. Bio-chem. 65(1):1-11. DOI 10.1007/s12013-012-9397-3 (2013)
17. Transport Properties of Melanosomes along Microtubules Interpreted by a Tug-of-War Model with Loose Mechanical Coupling. Sebastián Bouzat, Valeria Levi, Luciana Bruno. PLoS ONE 7(8): e43599. (2012)
18. Mechanical properties of organelles driven by microtubule-dependent molecular motors in living cells. Luciana Bruno, Marcelo Salierno, Diana Wetzler, Marcelo A. Desposito, Valeria Levi. PLoS ONE 6(4): e18332. (2011)
19. Active transport in complex media: relationship between persistence and superdiffu-sion. Marcelo A. Desposito, Carla Pallavicini, Valeria Levi, Luciana Bruno. Physica A Volume 390, Issue 6, pp. 1026-1032 (2011).
20. Analysis of persistence during intracellular actin-based transport mediated by mole-cular motors. Carla Pallavicini, Marcelo A. Desposito, Valeria Levi, Luciana Bruno. J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 246 012038 (2010).
21. Quantifying calcium fluxes underlying calcium puffs in Xenopus laevis oocytes. Lucia-na Bruno, Guillermo Solovey, Alejandra C Ventura, Sheila Dargan and Silvina Ponce Dawson. Cell Calcium. 47, pp. 273-286 (2010).
22. Transition to superdiffusive behavior in intracellular actin-based transport mediated by molecular motors. L. Bruno, V. Levi, M. Brunstein and M. A. Despósito. Physical Review E Vol.80, 011912 (2009).
23. Anomalous dynamics of melanosomes driven by myosin-V in Xenopus laevis mela-nophores. M. Brunstein, L. Bruno, M. A. Despósito and V. Levi. Biophysical Journal. 97, 1548–1557 (2009).
24. Exchange of microtubule molecular motors during melanosome transport in Xenopus laevis melanophores is triggered by collisions with intracellular obstacles. Luciana Bruno, María M. Echarte, and Valeria Levi. Cell Biochemistry and Biophysics. Vol 52, Number 3: 191-201 (2008).
25. Quantitative single particle tracking of NGF-receptor complexes: transport is bidirec-tional but biased by longer retrograde run lengths. María M. Echarte, Luciana Bruno, Donna J. Arndt-Jovin, Thomas M. Jovin and Lía I. Pietrasanta. FEBS Letters. Vol 581/16: 2905-2913 (2007).
26. Simple data-driven models of intracellular calcium dynamics with predictive power. Alejandra C. Ventura, Luciana Bruno, and Silvina Ponce Dawson. Phys. Rev. E. 74:011917 (2006)
27. A Model-Independent Algorithm to Derive Ca2+ Fluxes Underlying Local Cytosolic Ca2+ Transients. Alejandra C. Ventura, Luciana Bruno, Angelo Demuro, Ian Parker, and Sil-vina Ponce Dawson. Biophys. J. 88: 2403-2421 (2005)
28. Probing a reduced equation for intracellular calcium dynamics. A.C. Ventura, L. Bru-no, S. Ponce Dawson. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Application, 371-375, Vol. 342, Iss 1-2. (2004). Proceeding de la XIV Reunión de Mecánica Estadística de no Equilibrio y Física no Lineal - MEDYFINOL’04. La Serena, Chile.6-10 de diciembre de 2004.
29. Spreading of disks in a two-dimensional Galton board. Luciana Bruno, Adriana Calvo, Irene Ippolito. Eur.Phys.J.E. 11, 131-140 (2003)
30. Diffusion and mixing in a Galton board: a 3-D study. Luciana Bruno, AdrianaCalvo, Irene Ippolito. IJH&T. 21, 1, 67-73 (2003). Proceeding of the VII International Seminar on Recent Advances in Fluid Mechanics, Physics of Fluids and Associated Complex Systems, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 17-19 October 2001.
31. Granular mixing in a Galton board. Luciana Bruno, Irene Ippolito, Adriana Calvo. Gra-nular Matter 3 1/2, 83-86 (2001)
32. Concentration dependence of diffusion-adsorption rate in activated carbon. G.Drazer, R.Chertcoff, L.Bruno, M.Rosen. Chem. Eng. Sci. 4285/4291, Vol. 54, Iss 19. Julio (1999)
33. Tracer dispersion in activated carbon double porosity media. G.Drazer, R.Chertcoff, L.Bruno, M.Rosen and J.P. Hulin. Chem. Eng. Sci. 4137/4144, Vol. 54, Iss 19. Julio (1999)
34. Study on the mixing in a Galton's device. L.Bruno, A. Calvo, I. Ippolito, S.Bourles, A. Valance, D.Bideau. IUTAM Symposium on Segregation in Granular Flows. Pag.73-80. Edited by Anthony D. Rosato. Co-edited Denis L. Blackmore. Kluwer Academic Publis-hers. Dordrecht/Boston/London (1999) Proceeding of the IUTAM Symposium held in Cape May, NJ, USA. June 5-10, 1999
35. Tracer dispersion in double porosity media with nonlinear adsorption. G.Drazer, R.Chertcoff, L.Bruno, M.Rosen. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Application, 371-375, Vol. 257, Iss 1-4. Agosto (1998).